Bon Bon Boyband ! Man Man Manband !



<Manband列伝 (ver. '20)> 1963年生 ~Wham!の2人の生まれ年~

Terry Weeks (The Temptations) (1963/12/23) World Over - 2018-06-28 - Terry Weeks of The Temptations with Raymond Arroyo The Temptations現役メンバーのTerry Weeksは空軍バンド出身だった。正式加入の1997年からほぼ四半世紀、リードボーカルの座を…

<A1> 20年を経て明かされる、A1とWestlifeの結成秘話!?

Not many people know this, but we were originally set up as a band to rival @SClub7 , before we decided to break off into 2 separate bands..... @A1Official @westlifemusic — Ben Adams (@benadamsuk) June 15, 2020 …

<O-Town> O-Town公式、在りし日の"Making The Band"を懐かしむ

#tbt to this trip on @disneycruiseline with:-the OG @makingtheband top 8 finalists plus @danmillerotown (more below). *Not pictured: @bryanrobertchan -@thereallfo (RIP Devin & Rich)-Lee Thompson Young (RIP) of the @disneychannel show, The …